Last Updated on October 6, 2020 by admin
Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore

Why is my website not showing up on google anymore . Why isn’t your website showing up on the Google Search Result Page? How do I make my website appear in google search results?
How to increase traffic from search engines by showing a blog on the 1st page of Google search results with proper SEO?
Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore
Usually when searching for something in a search engine. If someone does not find the content of his desired keyword on the first page, then he searches again using a new keyword instead of searching on the second page. In this case, if a post on your website comes to the first page of the search results according to the keyword of the searcher. Then he will easily visit your post. In this way, if every post of your website can be brought to the first page of search engine. You don’t have to worry about the traffic of your website.
Read : Increase Google Crawl Rate
So Today’s post focuses only on Google Search Engine. Because if you can only target the Google search engine and place the blog posts on the first page of the search results. You will achieve success. Moreover, with the current popularity of Google search engine at the top, there will be no problem in getting enough visitors if other search engines are not targeted. So first need To know about Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore?
Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore ?
Why is the blog post not showing up in the search results?
Your blog or website post will not appear in the search results for the following reasons. We will discuss all these issues in detail.
- Blog index is not in Google search engine.
- Adding No Index tags to your blog.
- Your blog is not suitable for search engine crawler.
- Competitor of blog articles is more.
- Google search engine has removed your blog.
1. Blog/website is not indexed in Google search engine
Usually if your blog/website or blog posts are new, it will take some time for them to be indexed in search engines. Because it will take some time for them to appear in Google search results. Just as it takes time to get acquainted with people after starting a new company. it also takes time for a new blog to be indexed by search engines. If your blog is brand new, it will take 4-5 weeks to come up with post search results.
You can submit your blog to Google Webmaster Tools for quick indexing of posts in search engines. When you submit to Google Webmaster Tools. Google will automatically index all the posts on your blog and bring them to the search results. However, if you do not want to submit the site to Google Webmaster Tools. you can submit all your posts one by one from this link. There will be no need to create any kind of account in this way. However, I would advise you to submit the site with an account in Webmaster Tools or google search console without doing this manually.
Adding No Index tag to the blog: Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore ?
The No Index tag can be used to instruct a blog post not to appear in even the entire blog search engine results. In this case, if the designer of your blog mistakenly added the No Index tag inside the blog. you will not be able to index the post search engine even after thousands of attempts. If your blog is not indexed after all attempts, you should check whether the blog has the No Index tag. This tag can be added directly from the dashboard without being added within the Google Blog Themes.
Blog is not suitable for search engine crawler
When someone publishes a new post on their blog. They visit every article in the post to crawl the spider content of the search engine. Google crawlers get ideas about the content of the blog, but this idea is a little different than the way people think. Usually search engine crawlers or robots evaluate the post by crawling various topics including post titles, meta descriptions, keywords. In this case, if the quality of the content of the blog is good, the search engine bot will show your post in the search results with importance. For that, you have to focus on the content of the blog to make the content of your blog useful to Crawler, that is, you have to share good quality articles.
Competitor of blog articles is more
If the type of content you are blogging about has already been shared too much. It will be very difficult to bring the content of your blog to the search results. Nowadays the spread of blogging has increased so much that everyone is now creating personal blogs and blogging on various topics online. For this reason, if you can blog about the type of articles that are being shared less online. It will be possible to reduce the competition and easily increase the traffic from the search engine. But if that is not possible, try to present what you know better than others. If you can do this, you will be able to increase the traffic with the competition with others.
The blog has been removed by Google search engine
If content is published without following Google’s rules, Google stops indexing articles permanently. In this case, you must make sure that the subject you are blogging about is not in accordance with the Google Quality Guidelines. Blogging without Google Quality Guidelines will permanently prevent Google from indexing your site. Google can permanently remove a blog from the search engine for the following reasons.
Deindexed:Then Google will remove your blog from the search engine in a complete way as a result of this site will be permanently banned.
Penalized: When your blog and blog posts exist but are not found in the Google search engine or no one visits from the search engine. your blog will be automatically permanently removed from the Google algorithm.
Sandboxed: There was enough traffic to your blog, but all of a sudden, due to an unexpected decrease in visitors. Google will assume that your site has been shut down. For this reason, Google can remove your blog.
In addition to the above, Google may ban your blog permanently for a number of reasons. In this case, if your blog is subtitled Google Webmaster Tools. Google may offer some suggestions before banning your blog. If you can fix them, they can bring your blog back to search engines without banning it. In this case, if the blog is not submitted to Webmaster Tools. There is no chance of such notification or notification. So Submit Your Blog to Google search console to know, Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore?
How to show blog in Google Search Result?
Proper SEO : Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore?
There is no substitute for SEO when it comes to showing a blog on a search engine page or increasing traffic to a blog from a search engine. The better you can share all the topics on your blog with SEO, the more the search engines will give importance to your blog. In the case of SEO, more importance should be given to the selection of keywords. on-page optimization and off-page optimization in the blog.
Check these post for Better SEO Knowledge : On Page SEO Techniques
And Off Page SEO
Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore
Use keywords in the right place:
Use of keywords is a very important issue in search engine optimization. Because everything that is searched on the internet is searched using Keywords. If you can use the important keywords in the right place inside the post. There is a possibility to show the post on the search engine page.
Use of Meta Tags:
Most bloggers do not take the issue seriously as Meta Tag is not usually seen externally. But search engines give importance to meta tags right after the title of the blog. We have many previous posts on this subject. You can see the posts for details.
Read : How to write an SEO Friendly Blog Post
Choosing topics with less competition:
Currently, there is a huge market and a wealth of knowledge online. The subject you will search for here will be within your reach. In this case, if you can blog about the topics that are already being written less, your competition will be reduced. If you can do this before you start blogging. It will be beneficial for you.
Backlinks increase:
Backlinks are very important in creating a good position in the search results. If you want to make your blog important and acceptable to search engines, you must create Backlinks to your blog. The more backlinks your blog has, the more acceptable your blog will be to search engines.
Using Google My Business:
If you can verify your blog by adding it to Google Maps through Google My Business. The search engine will easily locate your blog or business blog and reach the consumers easily through the search engine. This will make your blog more important to search engines. Moreover, in the case of local business and blogging, this issue makes a very important contribution to Google search.
Miscellaneous Topics:
In addition, there are many types of SEO techniques to make a blog important to search engines, most of which we have already shared on our blog. That’s why I don’t want to annoy the readers by rewriting these issues. You can read our posts if you want to learn SEO skills.
Conclusion :
I put a last word, last and help page inside all my article type posts. So that if our readers have any problem, they can remove it through comments. In fact, we want to reduce the distance between the readers of the blog and the writers of our blog and create communication between the two. Finally, like all posts, I will say it again. If you have any questions, you can let us know by commenting. We will do our best to give you a proper solution to your question. But before that, I would like to say another thing that whatever you blog about, it should be unique, good quality and not copied from other people’s blogs. So this all about,
Why is my Website not showing up on Google anymore
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