What Is A Job? How Many Types Of Jobs Are There?

Last Updated on August 21, 2020 by admin



What is a job


Are jobs still in high demand ? WHAT IS A JOB?

In this blog , we will discuss about Jobs.
What does job mean?
What are types of job?

How Many types Of Jobs Are There?

What is the example of job?
What Job are still in high demand right now?




In today’s world, How jobs plays an important role in our lives. How most of the people wanted a good job for well Living Life .
Today Job is highly demanded all over the world. Mostly in India where Higher percentage of people are unemployed and looking for a good job . And yes of course a lot of people wanted jobs for surviving their lives.

A person’s job is his role in society. Employment is an activity that is usually done regularly and is to be involved through money exchange.
Job can mean “something to do”, for example: something must be done at home: smoke wiping, etc.
Job means more the way the person earns income. A job also means that a person gets paid by someone who works for them. For example, a teacher teaches a child or an adult, a taxi driver takes a passenger from one area to another and pays for it.

Now a days Job is very important factor of our life. and without work, life is impossible. With the help of job we can do everything in our life , either fulfill our desires or family needs. We can upgrade our lifestyle but the important one is we eventually attain confidence, self-respect and social status which makes us feel the part of society. We can make ourselves established with our jobs.


So let’s come to the main topic,The Question is, “WHAT IS JOB ”


Job description


Read More 11 Best Job Interview Tips For Job Seekers | How To Prepare For A Job Interview.



A job is to do any work professionally.
Job is the physical and mental work that people do as part of regular work to earn money in pursuit of livelihood. Somewhere You don’t need much education and skills to work. Again somewhere you must need Qualifications or Degrees. A lot of people also started to do job when they were student.
Most of the youngsters join the job in a hurry to gain experience and become self-reliant after completing their academic studies.
After completing their studies, everyone wants to get a job that is consistent with their studies and qualifications. Since employment is a more reliable and assured source of income than any other profession, everyone prioritizes employment over other professions.




There are basically two types of jobs which are ,

1. Government Jobs
2. Private Jobs


Government jobs are government organizations which are governed by the rules and regulations given by the government Of respective country and all other jobs belong to the


Private sector which are generally governed according to the rules and regulations of the organization.

In India Most of the people Preferred Government jobs , because there are guarantees in government jobs as well as many benefits that are not available in the private sector. So getting Government Job is very difficult now.
There is a saying ‘getting a government job is also a hardship, without hardship’ which means that one does not get a government job easily and if someone gets it, nobody can remove you easily because one cannot be dismissed from a job without a specific reason.



facilities of jobs


Facilities of Govt’s Jobs :


Accommodation, transportation and medical facilities are available in government jobs. There is also the possibility of promotion. With the promotion, the opportunity also increases. But the biggest thing is that government service is an honor no matter what. So everyone has a different demand for government jobs. Government jobs usually have a specific age limit. At present in India it has been done for 25-60 years. However, in some cases it may increase or decrease the age limit. Another important benefit of government service is pension benefits. It is basically given after retirement which is mandatory for every government job. Another advantage of being in government service is that after the end of the service period, many people get the opportunity to work in a very good position in a good organization. In this case, the experience of government service helps to get a proffessional work.

Although government jobs are desirable, many people also preferred private jobs because the rules and regulations of private employment are much simpler than government jobs. As there is a fixed age limit for government employment, there is usually no age limit for private employment. However, private companies have their own rules and regulations by which the organization is run. The advantage of private employment is that it allows you to work in many good positions according to your qualifications and of course in exchange for a good salary. Many non-governmental organizations also provide transportation and medical facilities to its employees.


Facilities Of Private Jobs :

This is the reason why many people prefer private jobs to government jobs. Another advantage is that private employment can be changed at any time. This means that if you want to get a better opportunity than the job you are doing, you can move to another place, which is not possible in the case of government jobs. If you have the qualifications for a private work, you can go to a better position much faster. In the case of government service, the seniority is predominant in the case of promotion but not in the case of private service. As the salary in the private sector improves, you will get Gratuity and Provident Fund benefits which can be the source of your retirement life. The opportunities for private employment are very wide. Due to which, besides the current government jobs, private jobs is very acceptable to everyone.

Jobs also can be categorized, by the hours per week, into full-time or part-time. They can be categorized as temporary , permanent , odd, seasonal , self-employment , consulting , or contract employment.

Everyone wants employment according to their qualifications. It is a very difficult thing in the current work field. Everyone should equip himself so that he can easily get his employment. It is entirely up to you to choose between public and private. But all options should be kept open and tried.


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Next Question is :
Q. What are the example of jobs :
Some Examples of Jobs are

  • Teachers
  • Managers,
    Administrative Assistant,
    Sales Manager,
    Marketing Manager ,
    Executive Assistant,
  • Customer Service Representative,
    Nurse Practitioner,
    Software Engineer,
    Data Entry Clerk,
    Office Assistant,


Q. Are jobs Still In high demand right now?

Answer : Yes Jobs are still in high demand right now and most surveys tells us that Jobs demand will increase in coming years.
And Yes because of Corona pandemic hundreds and thousands of people lost their jobs.
So After Corona virus pandemic it Will more harder to finding job . So make yourself prepared for a job from right now .

Corona Pandemic will end some day. Here or near . Don’t lost your hope.





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