How To Make Money Online And Quit Your Job?

Last Updated on July 5, 2020 by admin





How To Make Money Online And Quit Your Job?

Is it possible to earn money Online? Are people able to do this?

Is this even still a thing, make money Online? Well, I’m going to let you know that it is and I’m going to tell you exactly how to earn money Online.



How toMake Money online


How To Make Money Online And Quit Your Job?


Let’s go. So, the first thing that I’m going to share with you is the
Number 1 Thing that you need to do where you’re actually able to make money online. I’m going to share that with you.
Number 2, I’m going to give you tons of ideas that are working now. Number 3, I’m going to share with you all of the hidden traps and pitfalls that people fall into where they lose a bunch of money. I’m going to tell you all of that so that you can avoid it and let not let that happen to you. And then I’m going to give you a surprise way to make money Online that no one is talking about. So, when we’re talking about making money online so that you can quit your job.  ( How to make Money online and quit your job)



The first thing that you got to know is that there are hundreds of options. So, you got to kind of decide. what is it that best fits you what is it that you want to do are you going to try to create your own product and sell it online or are you going to sell someone else’s product.

that is probably the first question that you need to answer.and I’m gonna help you out with that because it could be very difficult to many people like what do you mean so let’s kind of talk about it there are physical products that you can sell you can sell plates that you made and curtains and sweaters and t-shirts , shirts , pents, kurtas etc and things that you make okay you can take products and you can make them and there’s hundreds of places to sell them like Flipkart, Amazon, and your own website and eBay.


Hundreds of places you can sell your physical product if that’s what you want to do. Then we have what’s called digital products where you made up a course, for example. Or you wrote a book or you put together something that teaches someone something, okay? These are digital courses, digital products. You can make products where people like you just send them to them electronically videos or things like that, okay? So, those are your digital products. So, those are kind of the questions now.


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So, now you know there’s physical products and there’s digital products. That’s the first thing you need to answer. Which one are you going to be? Are you physical or are you digital? Where do you want to sell ? Do you want to sell physically or do you want to sell Digitally?

And then once you decide physical or digital, then again, same question, your digital product or someone else’s digital product or your digital product or someone else’s physical product. It’s the same thing. You kind of need to decide. And so, let’s talk about where you would sell someone else’s product to make money. because that’s probably the easiest.



So, here’s some ideas on how you can find other people’s products to sell online, to make money Online, alright? There’s a ton of websites and this is the easiest one. It’s called Clickbank. You literally can go into ClickBank and search and shop for products, digital products that other people have made and then you can sell them. sou can email and sell them to your friends. You can go through affiliate marketing programs and figure out how to sell them that way. And you start making commission.


That’s how you can make moneyonline it’s super easy to do it. It is actually one of my streams of income. I’d never tell you guys to do anything that I don’t actually do. And so, this is definitely something that I do and that I make money with. I do sell other people’s things although I mostly sell my products and literally you could go into and find my products and sell them if you wanted to. And I would pay you a commission. But again, there’s thousands of people that already have digital products that they have created that you can go into Clickbank and become an affiliate and start selling those products online. And it’s super easy and it is a great way to start making money Online.



Another thing that you can do with physical products, alright? With physical process is a digital product. So, how do you find other people’s physical products to sell? This is awesome. This is something that I did for many many years and made a lot of money.

I would sell products that were not mine and then I could put my own label on them, alright? So, they’re called private label products, alright? So, if you wanted to make a lotion, for example, you could go to a site called Alibaba and or even Amazon. They both have private label products where you could resell them.They basically would give you the license.

You could create your own name for the product. You can create your own logo and make it your own. And you don’t have to create it from the beginning.  it’s very easy and it’s a very inexpensive way to have your own physical product and get going. And now, I am into my fun one. Because this has to do you know me. I’m Afjal Hussain, I’m Online seller, I make a lot of money in by Online selling my own products and sometimes I make money Online by Reselling others Product. and I always tell you guys to do the same. And you can make Affiliate Accounts online, alright?



I have a lot of Blogs about Online selling , Online products. I can’t say you all the things here but I’m going to tell you how.  And it’s basically where you are always this…The whole thing is totally done online. You don’t actually have to go out and do anything. You really can do this from your computer and have this business be completely online. And basically what you do is you find Some website or Some Apps and put it into Your social media account like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter , LinkedIn or any other Platform where a lot of people’s in Social media are looking to Buy products from Online. you get them under contract for one price and then you market that product on the online market, that product online to other people at a higher price, Alright?
You can use Facebook marketplace.

online store


Again… If you haven’t heard of this before, it probably just blew your mind. Again, I will make a post Regarding this so that you can click and Read that whole Blog. so you can learn about that. whole business is super easy to start I have friends that are making 5 figures in this business in the first year. And it is something that you can do from home.

And that is an amazing way to get into Online Business while You are staying at Home . The next thing that you’re going to need to do is you are gonna set up your business, okay? And this is actually very easy. But it’s going to besome things that you’re going to have to do both online and offline. And it’s super easy. You’re going to need to set your business up. You’re going to have to geta business license. Either get a trade license an LLC or corporate or a DBA.


Fe months before they get their license and they get registered. I suggest doing it as soon as possible. If you can do it now, do it now. But if you have to start in your business and then do it, that’s fine too.But the recommended way of course is go ahead and get that business license. That way you can get a business checking account. You can get that TIN NO or EIN number, and GST NO , you can get your email.


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You know, you’re going to have to get your business registered with the state to be considered alegitimate business. Now again, some people do not do this in the beginning.They wait and you know You want to get a website. So, you got to get a domain. What are you naming your business? You know, whatever it is, get the domain name to match it and you can search for free on Google domains or GoDaddy or epic.There’s a few websites where you can buy domains and then make you a website. And I am telling you this is actually very important. The phone number, the email the website.

Because we are in a world where people are going to look you up. They are going to Google you. Whether they see you in person or whether they find you online. They are going to look online and Google you. So, you need to make sure that you can be found and that you are a legitimate business and you actually want to point people to that so that you can stand out from all of the other dabblers.

You know, people that are just dabbling and doing something really quickly. But if you set up your business, you let your customers know you are committed to this. And a lot of times they don’t even know how long you’ve been in business. If you go ahead and you set this stuff up, you will look credible from day one. Now, you want to get educated. You’ve set the business up, you’re ready to go but do not stop learning.



Get yourself educated.Whatever business that you are going to get into, you need to get obsessed with learning about that business. I’m sure this is a great start being on my Blog site and you are on Blog and you’re looking, you’re in the university, as we jokingly say Blogging University. I am also a student of Blogging University. I definitely use Blog Site to get good information. However you want to be very selective about who you are Reading to, okay?

You want to get yourself educated in the topic that you want to learn and start reading to just a few people. Probably no more than 2 or 3. You really, really don’t want to confuse yourself and start taking different people’s advice and different people’s pieces because we all have our own success story and we all have a way of doing it. And if you start reading to all different types of people, you know, where 1st Blogger will tell you get business credit, get a business line of credit you might be reading to this other guy who’s like, “No, never get debt. That’s the worst thing.” And I’m like, “No,debt is good for your business. Don’t use it necessarily yet.


Make yourself Brave To Take decision And Start Your Work To Make Money Online

You’re going to use it to leverage, you’re going to use it to make sure you have money for your business.”And if you’re listening to someone that’s giving you conflicting information, you’re going to be stuck. You’re not going to move forward. And I don’t want that for you. Because whoever you are listening, to ever you decide, it will work.

It’s just being honest with you. If you’re committed to this and this is what you’re going to do, you will be successful.I know it. I’ve helped so many people. But you have to make a decision and you have to start reading to and getting educated by in one way. You don’t want to just start mixing all the peoples different recipes.It’s like baking a cake. We all have our recipe. And if you start taking different people’s ingredients, your cake is going to taste awful. And last but not least, you need to just start.


Ways of Online Earning


Go ahead and launch your business. That is what the key for everybody that is successful, okay? Here is the quote that I need you to learn.Have it embedded.
You don’t have to be great to get started. But you do have to get started to be great.So again, this is not about being pretty. Whatever you first do is not going to be great. Just look at my other Blogs. They were grainy and wasn’t this great big production in the studio. And the light sand all these things. You know, the team that comes in here and helps me make these videos. That’s not where I started. And you don’t have to start there either.Do not look at where people are that are years and years ahead of you. Just start.You will be successful I promise you.

If you just start and go and stay committed and you don’t quit, that is the difference. So, I commend you all so much for reading this blog because this is the beginning. So, go ahead and go to


It will help you so much and I want you to go ahead and take advantage and make sure that you subscribe my blog . so you can get notification so do not miss  any of the content i write. Because I want you to be successful. To your  Success.



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