How to make money from WhatsApp

Last Updated on September 28, 2021 by admin

How to make money from WhatsApp

Friends How to make money from WhatsApp 2021/2022 : How to make money from WhatsApp group? How to Earn Money From WhatsApp?

Read : How To Earn Money Online Without Investment From Home.

How to make money from WhatsApp Easily

Earn money from WhatsApp 2021: Friends Today, almost all people use WhatsApp. And so in today’s post I will tell you  How to make money from WhatsApp. So that you can earn some money as well as using WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is currently the largest social media network in the world where everyone from old to young boys and girls use WhatsApp. But there are people who want to make some money by using WhatsApp. So today I will give some tips in this post that using the tips you can earn some money with WhatsApp.

How to make money from WhatsApp 2022

There are many who will tell you how to make money from WhatsApp? There is no option in WhatsApp that is like to make money. However, it is true that WhatsApp does not have the option to earn money with WhatsApp. But with WhatsApp we can message, create WhatsApp Group, and give WhatsApp Status. Today I will talk about using WhatsApp Message and Group to earn money from WhatsApp.

With WhatsApp, we can make money by sending messages and creating groups online. How can I make money online by creating a group on WhatsApp and texting?

What does it take to make money from WhatsApp?

Before making money with WhatsApp, we need to know what we need to make money with WhatsApp. There is no need to earn money with WhatsApp. All you need is –

1. Smartphone

You need a smart phone to make money with WhatsApp.

2. Internet

To earn money with WhatsApp you need High Speed ​​4G Internet Connection.

3. WhatsApp friends

It is very important that the more friends you have on WhatsApp, the higher money you can earn. Because to make money with WhatsApp, your friends on WhatsApp have to sell your product.

Easy way to earn money from WhatsApp

Friends, now I will tell you what ways we have to earn money with WhatsApp. If you do not see how to make money on WhatsApp s.

1. Earnings from Link Shortener Website

Friends, do you know what Link Shortener is? These are the websites from which you can shorten any big link. There are many websites on the Internet from which you can create a short link and there are many websites through which if you shorten the link, you can earn money from it.

However, the company does not pay you to create a short link. When you share this short link anywhere and a user clicks on that link, you get paid. Let me explain in detail how this whole process happens.

Friends, to make money from WhatsApp, you can use any Link Shortener website. You need to create an account. Creating an account is very easy, you just need to set up Email ID, User Name and Password to Sign Up.

Now after creating the account, you need to log in to that website, enter your username and password. After logging in, you enter any Url i.e. Large Link in the box and click on Create Small Url button.

Friends For example, suppose this is a Url:

We have to shorten this Url, that is, we have to log in to the small website. For this, we will remember that Url and paste the url in that small Website and click on the short URL Button.

After clicking, a Url like this is given:

How to make money from WhatsApp

Now if you share this short url with your friends on WhatsApp, you will get money. Remember, you can’t just share. You shared that small link. Now as many of your friends will click on that link, you will get money according to the click.

The task of shortening the link here is only 1 minute, but after that you have to do more work on WhatsApp. Share the link with as many people as possible on WhatsApp so that more clicks come.

You must be wondering how much a Link Shortener Website can pay for each click? You see, it varies on different websites, but if I talk about Average, you can earn 350 to 500 rupees from our country by 1000 clicks.

Some good and famous Link Shortener Website, from where you can earn money with WhatsApp:

Here’s how to make money using Link Shortener Website. Here’s an easy way to make money with WhatsApp.

2. Earnings by Apps Share (Refer & Earn)

Friends, you will often see this kind of message on WhatsApp, in which it is said that download this app and immediately earn 500-1000 rupees or download the app and get 1000 rupees for free, etc.

Check this : Upstox refer and earn Up To 1000 RS.

But have you ever wondered why people give such messages and from this we will get some money to download the app but what will you get? Most people don’t know it. Well, if you don’t know, I’m telling you.

People who message you share an app that has the feature of earning money by referral. Today, there are a lot of apps in Interne that if you share with other people and install that application, you will get paid and it also downloads the app from your referral link.

Some of these apps are so that you can use the earned money in your bank account or shopping and some applications that you can only recharge mobile.

Earlier there were most of the apps that can be recharged with the money earned through referral, but now there are such applications from which you can transfer money to the bank account.

How to earn money from WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a great medium for making money by mentioning apps, but it should be used properly and you should have lots of WhatsApp contacts.

• You choose an application that you use and the user downloads the app and then gives you a good amount of income. Application must also be credible: –

Or After selecting the app, install it on your mobile and create an account. After setting up the account, share that application to other people. Reference and earnings are also given the option to refer to each application.

• If the app has a referral link, share it on WhatsApp and if it has a referral code, share the code with the app link so that the user uses that code.

By Reselling Online Products

Today there are so many reselling apps which allow people to resell there their products with adding some margin. So you can create groups to share products catalog and give updates regularly. or link your WhatsApp with reselling app or ecommerce website to get orders directly from your friends and customer.

Read more to get complete knowledge : Best Reselling App In India & Make Money With Reseller Business.

By reselling online products through WhatsApp you can earn thousands of rupees daily.

Conclusion : 

So friends, I hope you have chosen an article (How to Earn Money From WhatsApp in 2021/2022). I always wish that you always get the right information. If you have any doubts about this post, you must let us know by commenting below. Lastly, if you like the article (How to make money from WhatsApp), be sure to share the article with all social media platforms and your friends.

Thank You.

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