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What are the Best Definition of Education by different Authors?
Education: What is Education? What is the Definition Of Education by Different Authors? Definition, Meaning, Concepts, AIM and purpose of Education. To Know everything about definitions of education. So Please read till the end.
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30+ Best Definition of Education By Different authors
Education is not just a word. It’s a system. This word has great meaning. So if you are looking, Definition of Education. Or What is the definition of education by different authors. Then today you will learn about, Definition of education. Meaning of education and some great quotes on education.
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You know the word Education has define by great educationist and philosopher of different era. So today after reading this article you will learn, What is Education. Definition of education & education meaning? What is the meaning of education & definition of Education by different Authors? So Please Read the complete article to learn meaning of education. And Definition of education, Concept, Aim and Purpose of Education.
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What is the definition of education of education?
Education is not the amount of information that is put in the human brain. But it must have man making assimilation of ideas.
Definition of Education (Quotes on Education)
In Today’s article we will discuss about more than 20 definition of education by different authors scholars, educationist, and philosophers. So before you know what is the definition of education by different authors. It’s also important to learn meaning of education. And why education is so important. So later part of this article we discussed about, What is education? Meaning of education & some of the best details of education. To know the importance of education, must read till the end “definition of education”.
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Best Definition of Education by Expert :
There are lot of definition of education by expert and different authors. So we bring some of the best definition of education by expert,
According to Western educators, education meaning :
- However, Students develop body and mind and through it realize the sweetness and truth of life. – Aristotle philosophy of education
- Education is the spontaneous self-development of the child. which helps to create a normal human being in human society devoid of all artificiality. – Russo.
- So The process of living through continuous reconstruction of experience is called Education. – John Dewey.
Plato’s philosophy of education ,
4. Education is a supportive process for the overall development of the body and mind according to the child’s own abilities.
5. While you may know Education is the unleashing of latent potential. – Freibel. John Milton says: Education is the harmonies development of mind, body and soul.
6. Hermann Horn writes, “Education is an eternal process of creating a physically and mentally free conscious human being in a better relationship with the Creator., as evidenced by the environment of human growth, emotional will”.
Socrates philosophy of education
7. The eminent philosopher Socrates, while defining education, said, “Education is the name of knowing oneself.”
These are the most famous definition of education by different authors.
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Education according to the modern Indian Educator :
8. According to Rabindranath Tagore, the best education, which not only provides information, which builds our lives in harmony with the universe”.
Mahatma Gandhi education philosophy
9. Education is Attempts for balanced development of body, mind and soul of a person. – M K GANDHI.
10. Swami Vivekananda said, Education is the full development of the human being.
11. Education is the endeavor to fully develop the developing self that man possesses. – Sage Arvind.
12. The poet and philosopher Allama Iqbal said, “The real education is the development of human happiness or soul.”
Definition of education According to some Great Philosophers :
13. “The real purpose of education is to attain happiness through the sacred activities permitted by religious discipline.” ✍🏻Aristotle.
14. “The purpose of education is to destroy falsehood and to discover the truth. – ✍🏻Socrates.
15. Everything necessary for the full development and progress of the body and soul is included in the purpose of education.✍🏻Plato. This is aims of education according to Plato
16. The famous educator Herbert says – the purpose of education will be the full development of the child’s potential and affection and expression of moral character.
17. According to Froebel, a prominent educator who invented the kindergarten method: The purpose of education will be to realize a beautiful, believable and holy life.
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What is the definition of education by different authors
18. The purpose of education is self-realization. :- John Dewey.
19. According to Rousseau, the purpose of education is to develop good habits.
20. Persinan says – The purpose of education is to build character, prepare for a fulfilling life, and build a good body and a good mind.
21. Parker says that the purpose of education will be to develop all the qualities .that the student has come to this world for the self-expression of a full human being.
22. According to Komenius – the overall development of the child should be the purpose of education. And the ultimate goal of man will be to attain happiness in the presence of the Creator.
23. Bertrand Russell comments on what is the definition of education by different author is : The education system we must aim at producing in the future is one which gives every boy and girl an opportunity for the best that exists.
24. Dr. Hasan Zaman said, the purpose of education is to infuse life-giving energy in the pursuit of a convincing great life.
25. According to Dr. Khurshid Ahmed: Creating good citizens on the basis of one’s own culture and ideals , and the purpose of education should be to preserve and develop the religion and culture of the nation.
So there’s is another quote from Allama Iqbal: The purpose of education should be to make a full-fledged person who submits his wills to the creator.
What is Education? Definition, Concept, AIM Purpose & Meaning of Education ?
We discussed below , What is education , and education meaning by different authors? what is the best definition of education. And yes What is the simple definition of education? Concept of education. Father of education .
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Explain the term Education :
So Education is mainly a behavioral change. Education is a process where learning benefits or knowledge. skills, values, beliefs and habits can be acquired. we previously discuss about way To Success In Life. And You know no one can Be a Successful nor get real success without education. So its important to know about education. Before we discuss what is education and what is the definition of education by different authors.
According to some Educationist , Education is a process of growth and development. while some others say that education is a social process. Education is a preparation for living. So there are lot of education definition.
Origin of the word education: –
The English word Education is derived from a few Latin words. So According to some, the word is derived from the Latin Educere. Which means To lead out. meaning to bring out all the mental energy. That is present in the mind of the child and the student at birth. This will help to understand the true meaning of education. Hope you get it.
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Importance of education
You need to understand about the importance of education in your life to live peacefully and respectfully. If you want to get respect from society and want to give something to the society then you must be an educated person. Education makes a person more civilized. May be it in different field.
( What are the definition of education by different authors)
So come to next point – According to the second view – the root of the word Education is derived from the Latin word Educare which means To bring up. – meaning to bring up or take care of. Education in this sense is the process of raising a child properly with certain goals and ideals in mind.
According to the third view – Education The English word comes from the Latin word Educatum, which means – The act of training. According to this view, education means training the child or student to master some strategies that are useful for the future life.
26. Joseph Twadell Shipley wrote in his Dictionary of word origins. So that the word education comes from the Latin words Edex and Duccrduc. Which literally means to lead, to show the way, respectively. And collecting information in a broader sense and developing latent talents. Tired of studying for Hours, To Get yourself motivated Click Here.
According to Oxford Dictionary definition of education.
27. Education means a process of Learning teaching, and training. so especially in schools, colleges, or universities to improve knowledge and development skills. Read more to Learn how to do UPSC Preparations. And New National Education Policy – Merits and Demerits. If you want appear in UPSC exam the you need to prepare well and need to meaning of education and definition of education. All details about education.
28. H.H Horne – In the broadest sense, education is the device by which a social group continued existence renew yourself, and defend his ideas.
What is the Meaning of education? Meanings of education :
The true meaning of education is the process by which people acquire knowledge , skill, habits, values, or attitudes. And the word education is also used to describe the results of the educational process. This is the real meaning of Education.
Definition of education : What is the definition of Education by different Authors ?

Concept of education : Definition of Education by different Authors.
You know the Concept of education are beliefs about what is worth learning and how peoples should acquire that learning.

Analyzing the meaning of education, two meanings can be seen, one is education in the narrow sense, the other is education in the broad sense.
Education in the narrow sense means that the subjects of the curriculum are carried out. among the students by an educated and elite person. So keeping in view the specific curriculum through an institution.
Define Education : Education Definition
The characteristic of education in the narrow sense is –
- 1. To increase knowledge, to get degree.
2. This is a one-way process.
3. School-centric and text-based.
4. Unchanged and motionless process.
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Education in a broad sense : Importance of education
However According to educators. the significance of education in the broadest sense is to develop the latent potential of the student. So Education in the broadest sense is characterized by –
1. It is a lifelong process.
2. Education in the broadest sense is a two-way process.
3. It is a lifelong evolutionary process. So this education helps in the development of the child’s innate abilities. inherent potential and spontaneous thinking.
4. This education is done according to the needs and tendencies of the students.
5. This education helps in changing behavior, developing values, forming liberal attitudes.
What is the definition of Education by different Authors ? Importance of education & meaning of Education.
Purpose of education: –
Definition of Education by different Authors?

What is the definition, meaning of Education by different Authors?
So you read most of the best and modern definition of education by different authors and expert. Now its turn to read more about Aim and purpose of education.
Aim of Education or Education goals: – Definition of Education by different Authors?
According to John Dewey – Aim is a foreseen end which gives direction to a certain activity or motivates human behavior.
That is, the goal is the desired preconceived notion that controls our actions or stimulates our behavior.
Every conscious effort has a specific purpose or goal. Since education is a conscious endeavor, it is natural to aim for education.
The Encyclopedia of Modern Education
29- Education is purposeful and ethical activity. Hence it is unthinkable without aims.
One of the goals of education is to make the development of children effective and accelerate their development as full human beings, so that they can adapt and adapt better and more successfully to the environment around them.
30. “Every art does something good, Education is an art. It is to be seen what good is done by Education to man and society. “
.. ✍🏻 Aristotle.
Education is a variable uninterrupted dynamic conscious social process. So the goal of education has been disrupted in different ways by different educators in different countries according to different educational philosophies in different countries.
The goal of education in ancient India was self-knowledge or self-realization. But the goal of modern education is to develop the child as a good citizen.
So Now it is up to You to decide which is the best definition of education. You can analyze from this article. What is the definition of education by different authors.
So Friends if you know any other definition of education then please comment below. We will add in our blog post.
How many types of education are there ?
There are mainly 3 types of education which are ,
- Formal.
- informal. &
- Non – Formal.
Educationist Meaning :
The Educationist meaning is A person well versed in education. A specialist in the theory and methods of education. Also called educationalist.
According to educators and philosophers at different times, the goals of education are –

(A) The aim of education is to acquire knowledge: –
According to some educators. one of the goals of education is to help students acquire knowledge or experience. As Socrates says – Knowledge is power by which things are done.
(B) Awakening of morality: –
The goal of education is to awaken the moral consciousness of the child. Education will help build moral character in the child. Herbert says – A handful of good life is worth a bushel of learning.
(C) Cultivation of agricultural consciousness: –
The goal of education is to get acquainted with the past culture and cultural trends of the society. In a word, to develop respect for one’s own cultural entity.
(D) Character formation: –
According to educators, the goal of education is to build the character of the child. Gandhiji said – character building is the only goal of education. Rabindranath Tagore says – The main goal of education is to make the character strong and hardworking.
(E) Awakening of spiritual consciousness: –
However Many philosophers and educators also have focused on the development of spiritual life. and the development of a better way of life –
Sage Arvind says – The main aim of education or goal of education should be to awaken the inner being of the developing soul and to make the great purpose perfect .
Radhakrishnan thoughts on education
Radhakrishnan, one of the best philosophers in India, says -“The aim or goal of education is neither national efficiency nor world solidarity. but making the individual feel that he has within himself something deeper than intellect, call it spirit, if you like.”
(F) To build good citizens: –
The goal of education is to develop the child as a good citizen. so that all the qualities of self-expression exist in him. so we must educate our children to make good citizen.
(G) Vocational education or hands-on education: –
So The goal of education should be to make a living. In a word, it is called vocational education. Vocational education is a tool to bring comfort in life. According to John Dewey, a person is happier when he or she chooses a career based on what he or she like the most and he or she can do. And Those who are intellectually weak can increase their self-confidence through vocational education.
The rest of the goals of education are –
1. One of the goals of education is to introduce the behavioral, political and cultural values of the society to the younger generation.
2. Develop respect for the natural environment.
3. Another important goal of education is to enable children to adapt to different environments.
4. The basis of a democratic society is communism, a society free from class discrimination, a sense of co-operation and a sense of brotherhood. check this Will machine Replace Human?
Knowledge is the food of the soul. And for the nourishment of the soul we want an abundance of education. Because Humanity is not gained by being born in the mother’s womb.
So with the help of education we can learn a lot and can convey the knowledge to other. so that all become good human being.
And Without human qualities, that person does not follow the path of a true human being. And Education does not make a person personable and self-reliant. The knowledge gained from education enhances the richness of the human mind. So It is this knowledge that keeps the soul alive and contributes immensely to the development of character-consciousness and morality.
The development of higher sense of life and values is achieved through education. Through this, by doing a lot of good deeds, not only one’s own country but also the country can benefit a lot.
So People can live on malnutrition. But just as it is not pleasant to live afflicted with disease, so there is no honor, no happiness and no glory in living without education.
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Education Meaning :
Education the word “educate” comes from the Latin word Educere, Which means, ” Leading out” the student into a wider world of knowledge. So i hope you understand it better now.
Definition of education by different authors pdf :
So you can download the PDF and read it offline. Download Definition of education pdf.
Some more Question and answer about Education :
Q. Who is the father of education ?
Ans. Horace Mann.
Q. Who first invented education ?
Ans: Horace Mann.
Q. Why is education so important in our life ?
Ans . A man or woman is blind without education. To become a human being or civilized person its important to become educated. Education makes a person humble, great, and help to become a successful. Education provides stability in life. There are so many thing . So education is very important in our life.
Q. Who is Father of Science ?
Ans: Read Father of Science by Scientific Xplosion
So as of now you should understand the topic about What is the definition of education. And Meaning of education. I hope so. Because there is no if no but . Education is everlasting process. However if you still couldn’t get the definition of education. You might read the post again, Definition of Education. So tanks for being with us. These are the best definitions of education by different authors.
Please Like and share the post if you find it helpful. So if you have any questions or queries regarding education. You can make comment on comments section. We will definitely respond to you. After reading the article What is the definition of article by different authors. Now you tell us in the comment section below, According to You,
What is the best definition for education?
So This is from us about, definition of education by different authors.
Definition of education by different authors.
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FAQ Regarding Definition of Education.
What is the best definition of education?
Education is an eternal process of creating a physically and mentally free conscious human being in a better relationship with the Creator., as evidenced by the environment of human growth, emotional will.
Who is the father of education ?
Horace Mann.
What is the meaning and definition of physical education?
Physical education is that the part of education which has to do with the development and training of the whole individual through physical activities.
How to define Quality education
There are lot of debate about Quality education. Some of them says that the threshold of quality education is met by focusing only on literacy and numeracy. But the SDGs are a recognition that this Quality definition of education is insufficient and outdated. Education is not simply a content delivery system. rather it is a designed system to help all children reach their full potential, and enter society as full and productive citizens.
What is the meaning of education according to John Dewey?
So The process of living through continuous reconstruction of experience is called Education. – John Dewey.