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11 Best Job Interview Tips For Job Freshers | How To Prepare For A Job Interview?
Best Job INTERVIEW TIPS For Freshers . Are You Looking For A Job. How To Prepare For A Job Interview ?
Here Are 11 Best Job Interview Tips For Job seekers . Best Interview Tips For Student. Interview Tips For Freshers.
Read : The Real Goal of Education.
Best Job Interview Tips For Job Seekers
In this Blog we will Discuss about Job interview tips and How to Prepare For A Job Interview. For freshers its very important to know all interview tips. So Please Read The full Article, 11 Best Job Interview Tips For Freshers. All Jobs for you: Jobs for freshers.
From that childhood we cherish a dream in our minds: we will finish our studies and will get a job. Some of those who have decided to do business also have a job at some point in their lives. However, today’s discussion is mainly for those who is Looking for A Job and will get a job at the end of their education or have recently entered the working life.
Read also : What Is A Job? How Many Types Of Jobs Are There?
How to find your desired job? Is it Easy To reach the stairs of dreams? How to create your resume / CV? We will discuss it later part of the blog section.
In the beginning, there are some tips on finding a job. The later part of the blog we will have some useful and practical tips on creating your resume.
Read more for achieving success : 10 Useful Tips From Experts In Way To Success
Best Job Interview Tips For freshers :
The Search for Dreams:
Looking for a job after pass the final exam is an old idea for today’s world .
In this Era people starts searching the job long before passing. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Keep your network strong: Interview tips
Your expertise in social media can help you in many ways. Maintain good relationships with your friends, university teachers and influential relatives. Your classmate who does not have the ability to give you a good job now may have an influential relative of him may give you a good job for you. Even becoming a successful friend in the future can be a good job opportunity. So maintain a good relationship for your own benefit ..
2. A man is not good at everything :
So analyze yourself first, get an assessment from those who know you well. Understand which side you are most qualified for and choose the right job field for you. Suppose, you can speak very clearly and attract people to listen you ; Then you will do well as a sales / marketing / air hostess or customer care officer. If you are not good at math in your student life, you may not be very good as an engineer. Again, those who are a little homely from childhood, should not take a job where you have to do a lot of tours.
3. Many people think that if they can’t get a good job in the beginning:
Till Today Many people think that if they can’t get a good job in the beginning they will not be respected in the society. So they avoid low-paying jobs. But in many cases, those who have gained experience working for a while in a small job and have joined the 2nd or 3rd job, their improvement rate is relatively high. What experience will give you, you may not even imagine at the beginning of the job.
So, if the job is low paid, but it falls in the category of your choice, then 1 year of hard work to make your experience a little heavier. Then keep looking for any bigger opportunities. Success is yours if you have the qualifications. But remember, having a good reference is very important in getting a big job. So, always try to maintain a good relationship with the big people or high ranked people you have met in your previous job.
4. If you compare the experience with the stairs:
The training can be compared with the elevator. Because, during training or coaching you come in contact with instructors and other trainees, which is not possible during your daily job. An experienced instructor makes his presentations and hand-outs through many case studies. From them, you can learn a lot that will make you more efficient in dealing with many problems in the work life.
You can also know their real experience from other trainees. You can evaluate yourself by comparing yourself with them, you can get the necessary guidance to make yourself more qualified. Many times, many people come to do a training and get another good job opportunity. And the certificate you get at the end of the training will enrich your CV, which will increase your value in the job market several times.
5. Change The Job
If you decide to change jobs, ask yourself a few questions. If the answer is yes, then your decision to change jobs is the right one.
A. Have you got a job that pays more than you do now?
B. Do you think that your chances of promotion is very low or very hard in this job ?
C. If you want to quit your job because you are angry with your boss, do you think he will be harmed if you quit your job? And become good to others as realization?
D. Does the job you want to join fall into the category of your qualifications and preferences?
E. Will joining a new job be good for your family?
Take The Decision After Answering This : Interview Tips
A lot of times we change jobs out of emotion, and then we feel regret for the previous job. So be sure to check before changing jobs, do not regret later. And no matter how bad it is, don’t say goodbye to previous colleague or bosses. Who knows, maybe in the future you might have to come back there again.
For those who have joined or are about to join the job for the first time, I say, you will find many good co-workers in the workplace, but always remember, co-worker and friend are not one. Many at work get old friends back, but don’t hang out in a way that is inconsistent with the office environment. And now I am writing about resume or CV. Some small but important advice.
6. Beat your own drum:
There is no shame in beating one’s own drum in the present time (if it is not fabricated). Build your CV in such a way that it gives the employer a high opinion of you. The same CV. Don’t send everywhere. Make a CVT by understanding the type of job. Analyze the job advertisement and match your qualifications with it.Do not make the writing font more artistic, use Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman or similar formal font. Bold titles.
I am discussing the writing steps in chronological order:

(1). Your CV Represents you. Interview Tips
So make it a sight to behold. Don’t put too much information in the headings. Enter your name, maximum educational qualification and current title (if employed). Keep your contact number and e-mail address short. Place your passport-size photo on the right (do not glue).
(2). Below the heading will be Career Objective.
Write a few lines here so that the employer is attracted to you from the beginning. And his idea about you is, that you are interested and qualified to work in his company. Here are some examples:
A. If you apply to a marketing company, you can write: To develop a career in a dynamic marketing environment where my skills and knowledge will play a vital role.
B. Suppose you have applied to a telecommunications company, then write: Looking for a dynamic position in the telecom sector where my efficiency and dedication will be required and valued.
3. Career Summary
In Career Summary, summarize your experiences and achievements so far. Write the topics in short sentences and bullet points and make it quantitative. In other words, “I have successfully achieved the sales target of my company in 2012” without writing “Achieved 100% of the company’s sales target in 2012”. Or “I have increased productivity of my company / department in a significant amount” or “Increased productivity by 12% in 2012”.
Form sentences with Action Verb instead of 1st Person (as shown above).
4. Write Your Educational Qualification:
Sort your educational qualifications in order and it will start from the last degree (so that the employer can know your highest degree directly at the beginning). Write the educational institution, the passing year and the result. You can give in the form of table.
5. If you have previous job experience, write them in reverse order (ie current job at the beginning and then back shots). Write clearly what you have done / are doing in a job. Write down the tasks associated with the job you are going to apply for. (This can be discussed in detail in the interview, keep that in mind)
7. Write down your training (specifying place, time) and other official achievements.
Put a part in the title of Key Competencies, clearly express your skills. Adjectives like Proactive, Hard-working, Born Team player, Quick-learner etc. will make the employer interested in you.
Be careful about giving out your personal information. Marital status, family details, physical description (height, blood type) etc. are not very important (unless it is specifically requested in the job advertisement). In some countries writing about gender, religion, caste, etc. is considered abhorrent because it supports Racism. Some organizations mention preference for male or female candidates. Many employers are concerned about marital status (for example, unmarried women are required for the position of air hostess).
8. Hobby
It doesn’t matter what your hobby is, if it is relevant to this job, be sure to mention it. For example, as you used to argue in your student life, this Extra Curricular Activity will give you priority as a job seeker if the job is Sales / Marketing / Procurement National. Traveling is your favorite hobby, this information will keep you ahead if your desired job is tourist guide / sales representative / air hostess or something like that. Don’t mention chatting, Spend time in Facebook, blogging or anything like that. This can have a negative effect on the mind of the employer.
9. Reference:
The reference part is very important. You can keep three types of people as references. You can mention your university professor (who knows you well), your previous job boss (who has a good idea about you) and in some cases where you are applying, the name of an official (including phone number and e-mail). Do not keep more than 3-4 references. And try to put it on a separate page. Let the person you are using know their name, or they may be annoyed if they are contacted by the employer’s HR department, they may not respond well, and it may even be difficult to contact them.
10. Make yourself tolerant and humble :
We want a lot in the beginning – we need the best, the most, the most interesting and high position. We don’t want to move forward before that. But in fact you should think outside the box and be opportunistic. A lot of good opportunities are floating around you where initially you may not have all the facilities, or you may not be interested. But no experience is worth it; Every experience, big or small, will take you forward on your journey.
Being humble and tolerant at work will open a thousand doors for you that you may never have thought of. So don’t lose hope, seize the opportunity and move forward with determination. Must have a job.
11. Here’s a short list of things you should never do:
A. Don’t give someone else to make your CV. If the employer understands this by asking questions during the interview, it will be suicidal for you.
B. Do not make Grammatical / Spelling Mistake. This will call into question your qualifications and intelligence.
C. Do not write in your CV how much you get paid in your current job, or how much you expect in the desired job.
D. Don’t write about your religious and political ideology (if the job is related to it, then differently).
E. Don’t write about any qualifications / experience or training that you don’t actually have. If a lie is caught, it will be considered unforgivable.
Resume cover letter :
When applying online, use the e-mail as a cover letter and attach the CV. CV Be sure to give it in PDF format (so that no one else can edit it). The language of the cover letter should be elegant and smart. Mention where you got the job advertisement along with the date and present yourself as the most qualified candidate.
Conclude briefly and talk briefly about your experience, qualifications, and your aspirations for the job. You can end it like this: “Expecting your cordial response in this regard” or “Looking forward towards an interview where we can discuss more on your requirements and and my competencies”
Remember, in many cases the employer looks at the language of the cover letter and decides whether to call the candidate for an interview. So in order to attract him and make him curious about you, you have to write a great cover letter at the beginning.
Some employers don’t even read the cover letter (especially in a government office), but that’s not your idea. Do not attach the CV to the cover letter with a stapler in case of printed application. Use the James clip, so that it can be separated if necessary. You can attach your image with a stapler, but it should be on the border of the image, not in the middle.
We hope you find this advice useful in resume and cover letter writing. This is my first article on job search. Since I have given and taken several interviews in my almost 9 years of working life, I will share those experiences with you in the following articles. See you soon for details on how to prepare for the interview. Good luck for your bright career.
And maybe you want to learn more about recruiters’ hiring strategies to understand how they want and need from a candidate. This will definitely give you a strong mentality when going to the interview to get the job you want.
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Job Interview Tips
Thank you.