What is Keyword Research? How To Do keyword Research?
What is a keyword or what is a keyword? What is Keyword Research? And How To Do keyword Research? How to do free keyword research? How to do keyword research with Google Keyword Planner? Ways to do keyword research using a few free tools. Keyword Research tools free. So if want to Get Real Success in Blogging then you must know about Keyword and keyword research. So Read the Full Article to know everything about keyword Research.

What Is Keyword Research :
Keyword is a very important issue in search engine optimization (SEO). For that, it will not be possible to rank the post without researching the keywords of the desired post before writing a post on a topic. Because you have to do keyword research to know about the keywords of the post you are going to write about, people search in other search engines including Google and how much is searched on that topic every month. Moreover, if you write a post with your desired keyword, there is no alternative but to do keyword research to know which blogs will compete with you and what you need to do to rank that post. Only through keyword research is it possible to get a clear idea about any one topic.
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Usually when we write an article in a blog, we present the article in a complete post by focusing on one or two keywords. In this way, the search engines, realizing the importance of the keywords in the post, show the list of search results according to the search query. In this case, the more a writer can use the content of his article in the right place while maintaining the keyword density of the desired keywords, the more the search engine will give importance to his post.
What are keywords?
A keyword is a word or a sentence consisting of two, three or four words. Simply put, keywords are what we search for in other search engines, including Google. Google usually ranks a blog post based on keywords. Because we use keywords to find something online. A keyword is term Which people used to search on search engine. Wit the help of keyword people find their Query From Search results.
How do keywords work ?
I am trying to clear this point with examples. Suppose you are writing a post about , Side Hustle Jobs . In this case, you must share a detailed post about the Jobs , highlighting its pros and cons as well as all the Earning. Side hustle jobs will be your main or targeted keyword for that post. So In that post, your main job will be to highlight all the issues of Side Hustle Jobs.
In this case, when a person searches Google or other search engines by typing side hustle Jobs , the search engine will first check all the posts about Side hustle jobs in its database and show the best posts on the first page of the search engine. And In this way, the search engine determines the ranking of a post through keywords.
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